The OAUK Winter Webinar Training Programme is a bespoke programme of online training for Outdoor Arts professionals…

Upcoming Webinars

Our Winter Webinar programme is back with a brand-new series of bespoke webinars tailored to support your professional growth. This time we’ll be covering some key themes, including resilience, anti-racism, environmental action and making ambitious work. Each webinar is designed around the Arts Council’s investment principles respectively: Dynamism, Inclusivity & Relevance, Environmental Responsibility and Ambition & Quality.

Winter Webinar’s are FREE for OAUK members, except the Anti-Racist Training & Reflection where we’re charging a small fee to guarantee attendance. They’re a great opportunity if you’ve got training targets to hit – especially for NPOs.

£10 for freelance non-members and £20 for non-member organisations.

Join OAUK now to access free webinars.

Thu 21 Nov

Keeping Going: Case Study Reflection with 18 hours
Event Director Dr Mandy Curtis explains how 18 hours has kept events going in the face of reduced resources.

Thu 28 Nov

Anti-Racist Training & Reflection
Jenny Williams BEM shares knowledge and understanding of what anti-racist practice is in the cultural sector.

Thu 5 Dec

Environmental Action: Green Riders & Artist Donut Toolkit
Artist Lorna Rees talks Green Riders, while Andrew Lansley talks the OAUK Donut Advisory Toolkit.

Thu 12 Dec

Making Ambitious Work: Reflections on 2024
101 Outdoor Arts and Jeanefer Jean-Charles reflect on what its been like making and touring work in 2024.

Previous Webinars

The OAUK Winter Webinar Training Programme in Jan/Feb 2024 covered producing, touring, bookings, sustainability and equality & diversity. Click on the links below to watch the recordings of the webinars…

Winter Webinar Video: Tour Booking

Watch this video on ‘Tour Booking: An Artist, a Festival and a Tour Booker’, a recording from the Winter Webinar which took place on Thur 15 Feb 2024. We heard three perspectives onRead More >

Winter Webinar Video: What is a Producer?

Watch this video on ‘What is a Producer: Three Perspectives on Producing’, a recording from the Winter Webinar which took place on Thur 29 Feb 2024. We heard three different producers' perspectives onRead More >


Join OAUK for access to FREE webinars today, including recordings from the Feb/March series! Explore our member benefits and become a part of the Outdoor Arts community.