Workshop: Street Theatre, Donegal, Ireland
Jul 11, 2022 - Jul 14, 2022

Strada Street Theatre Workshop with Adrian Schvarzstein (Kamchátka)

An introduction to the practical work and preparation of street theatre for aspiring, semi-pro or amateur clown, theatre, dance or performance artists (over 18 years of age) facilitated by the award-winning comedian, actor, circus and street theatre director Adrian Schvarzstein.

This four-day workshop programme will offer the participant an understanding of street theatre and theatrical settings which bring together actor, spectator and public space.

Exploring the use of body, language and movement, improvisation, space and acoustics, as well as individual and group work, the workshops will demonstrate how to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the street, how to transform something unusual into something special, new and magical, and how to turn the street into a resource that works in favour of the performance.

Adrian spends his life avidly accumulating experiences, he also acts and sings in operas and baroque music companies. Since his days working with the Belgian Circus Ronaldo, he has created Circus Klezmer, his solo Green Man walkabout show and the award-winning Kamchátka, a theatre group based on the theme of migration with one important aim: to make the spectator a highly-amused participant. Chaos, surprise and provocative innocence are just some of the tools Adrian Schvarzstein has used to triumph in theatre and festivals all over the world, from Ireland to Cameroon, Spain to South Korea.
