Without Walls Open Calls Q&A, Online
Nov 18, 2021

Without Walls is looking for proposals from UK artists, for outdoor arts work of any scale, from all disciplines and genres, that is innovative and ambitious.

Without Walls will host an online live Q&A on Thursday 18 November, 10 – 11 am. This will be an opportunity to ask questions about the Blueprint R&D Open Call and the Creation & Touring 2023 open call. You will also have the opportunity to meet some of Without Walls’ festival partners and supported artists. The session will be captioned and BSL interpreted.

Our Blueprint R&D Fund supports the development of new outdoor arts projects. Artists are also invited to submit early proposals for the next round of Without Walls 2023 Creation and Touring Support to create and tour new work in 2023.

You can apply for Blueprint R&D fund, or put in an early proposal for 2023 Creation and Touring support, or apply for both. A further call-out for 2023 proposals will take place between May and July 2022.

With most of our festivals and events cancelled in 2020, we have been working hard during 2021 to try to catch up with the backlog of artists projects that have not yet been completed. This process of catching up will continue throughout 2022, which is why we have decided not to invite proposals for a 2022 programme.

