Webinar: How to make a Place with Ali Pretty (ACN), Online
Jul 6, 2023

Arts and Culture Network presents an hour of random speed networking and a speed webinar on how to make a place, with artistic director Ali Pretty.

Ali is the artistic director at Kinetika an internationally renowned company, specialising in creating large-scale hand-painted silks.

For over 20 years they have been combining world-class design with community projects to produce spectacular outdoor commissions that engage diverse audiences wherever they work.

Kinetika has an unrivalled reputation for working with local communities on projects that change the way people feel about where they live. From local community walks in Essex in England to high streets and city squares across the UK, and even at the Great Wall of China, in Ethiopia and West Bengal.

Ali will share her 5 top tips for conceiving and presenting events that engage and influence local residents and audiences.

“Mark, the Arts and Culture Network is FANTASTIC!! The monthly zoom networking events far exceeded my expectations. I have met many wonderful new people, with whom I have since collaborated. It’s opened many doors for me, which has been a huge benefit. Many thanks!” (Lauren Grierson)

Before and after Ali’s 10-minute webinar, we will be random speed networking to create new connections, start conversations, and explore opportunities for collaboration.

For those who don’t have to dash off, the after party for open networking is legendary and where much of the magic happens.
