Course Overview:
Trainer and tour booker Mark Makin will guide you through the particular set of skills and specialist knowledge that you need to successfully book a UK tour.
Mark will share his own experiences of the industry as he takes you through the process of booking and managing a tour using case studies. Participants are encouraged to share their own knowledge and ask questions relating to their specific situations. Course notes and reference materials are provided.
By the end of the session, you will:
- Organise a realistic tour schedule and budget
- Present your company and shows to potential bookers in the best light
- Understand the different financial and contractual deal options
- Start building relationships with suitable venues for your work
- ‘Selling’ your shows to programmers effectively
- Develop systems for contracting and managing tours
- Understand the basics of overseas tour booking
  Suitable For:
This course is aimed at those both new and established who hold the responsibility of tour booking. Though it starts with basic principles, it will also be helpful to those wishing to refresh their knowledge and improve their skills. This course is applicable to both theatre and dance companies.
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