10 artists will present a range of new and exciting outdoor arts projects, seeking co-producing partners, future bookings and touring opportunities in 2024 and beyond.
- Francesca Baglioni | Pink Carnations | misshighlegkick.com
- Southpaw Dance Company | Block Party | southpawdancecompany.co.uk
- Oily Cart and Ockham’s Razor | Joyride | oilycart.org.uk | ockhamsrazor.co.uk
- Helen Chadwick | Table Songs | helenchadwick.com
- Avanti Display | Crow | avantidisplay.co.uk
- Jeanefer Jean-Charles | Patois | Jeanefer.com
- Joe Powell-Main | Undone | joepowellmain.com
- Company Chameleon | Refuse | companychameleon.com
- Joli Vyann | Timeless | joli-vyann.com
Hosted by Greenwich+Docklands International Festival and OutdoorArtsUK