Connect & Develop: Outdoor Arts in Wales (Articulture), Wrexham
Oct 4, 2024

Outdoor Arts in Wales network meeting

4 October 2024

@ Tŷ Pawb, Wrecsam

An Outdoor Arts gathering for artists, producers, programmers, funders, curators, creators, stakeholders and the wonderfully curious and adventurous!

  • Presentations
  • Networking
  • Discussions
  • Sharing practise & ideas
  • and a generous amount of Play!

Articulture is working in partnership with Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, Tŷ Pawb & Wrecsam2029

Suggested financial contribution:

Financially Well Supported: £50
Employed/Funded: £40
Freelance Sector: £15

Bursaries are available for independent freelancers and freelance artists who need them, For a free ticket and up to £60 towards expenses, on a first come basis.

If you need a bursary answer the relevant question when booking or let us know by emailing


Cyfarfod rhwydweithio y Celfyddydau Awyr Agored yng Nghymru

4 Hydref 2024

@ Tŷ Pawb, Wrecsam

Cynulliad Celfyddydau Awyr Agored ar gyfer artistiaid, cynhyrchwyr, rhaglenwyr, cyllidwyr, curaduron, crewyr, rhanddeiliaid a phawb sy’n wych o chwilfrydig ac yn anturus!

  • Cyflwyniadau
  • Rhwydweithio
  • Trafodaethau
  • Rhannu arferion a syniadau
  • a llawer iawn o Hwyl!

Mae Articulture yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â’r Eisteddfod Genedlaethol, Tŷ Pawb a Wrecsam2029

Cyfraniad ariannol a awgrymir:

Cefnogaeth Ariannol Dda: £50
Cyflogedig/Wedi’i ariannu: £40
Sector Llawrydd: £15

Mae bwrsariaethau ar gael i weithwyr llawrydd annibynnol ac artistiaid llawrydd sydd eu hangen, am docyn am ddim a hyd at £60 tuag at gostau, ar sail y cyntaf i’r felin.

Os oes angen bwrsariaeth arnoch, atebwch y cwestiwn perthnasol wrth archebu, neu rhowch wybod i ni drwy anfon e-bost at

Questions? Cwestiynau?
Email | E-bost
