Away Days: Allies in the Arts Sector (Deaf Explorer), Birmingham
Mar 26, 2024 - Mar 28, 2024

Join Deaf Explorer for 3 days of seminars, workshops, and activities exploring the ‘allyship’ between deaf and hearing artists and creatives. Collaborate, empower and be an ally to each other in this enriching experience on the 26th, 27th, and 28th March 2024 at Iron House, Jewellery Quarter, 174 Great Hampton Row, Birmingham.

The event is FREE and you can book tickets via Eventbrite. Tickets can be secured for individual days or you can join us for the full 3 days.

We aim to consider practical solutions that will allow us to bridge the gap between the Deaf and hearing artistic community. Deaf Explorer have engaged the artistic community who have contributed to the creation of our agenda, which will provide expert experience as well as examples of best practice. Speakers will demonstrate leadership and how inclusive cultures within organisations can be developed and sustained.

We welcome hearing creative practitioners to this unique event. You will find out how best to work with BSL/English Interpreters, how to be an ally to the deaf community as well as group activities that will consider how innovative and accessible new work is made. Guest speakers include Lara Stewart & Mia Ward, who is currently performing in a bilingual workshop performance of RENT at the New Work Festival 2024  at Curve Theatre.

In addition, Actor and Director Duffy will describe his experience of collaborating with Artistic Director of ZOOCO Flo O’Mahony on ‘Night Shift’ by Paula B. Stanic.

Steven Vevers-Webb, Artistic Director of D-Live and David Ellington come together to describe the importance of ‘allyship’ amongst deaf artists, so that their own creative ambitions can be achieved.

George Mann Co – Artistic Director of Ad Infinitum will be joined by David Ellington to deliver a physical theatre workshop and discuss their highly successful practice of including deaf actors.

Artist Christopher Sacre, who founded the company SEE CREATE, providing a go-to place for Deaf families who use both BSL and English to find out about Deaf-accessible events in Medway, Kent. Christopher will be talking about the evolution of his creative practice.

We will also have a range of workshops about being an ‘ally’  to the Deaf community as well as how to apply for Arts Council England funding, the visibility of music and how arts can be brought in to education settings, with ground-breaking examples of creatives working with schools for deaf children.

We are thoroughly excited about the space we are creating for new collaborations, networks and ideas.

The event will bring deaf and hearing artists together to improve collaborative work within theatres, visual arts, combined arts and amongst art industry decision-makers. Due to the cultural and language differences between deaf and hearing artists, significant barriers prevent many deaf and hearing artists from working together in creative industries. Throughout this event, you will develop a deeper understanding around the barriers facing the under-represented deaf community, that prevents mainstream arts organisations from experiencing the skills, unique perspectives and valuable contributions that deaf artists have to offer.

See below from Mary-Jayne Russell de Clifford, Senior Producer for this event:

“I’m a currently working as a Senior Producer and have been working  on the upcoming event ‘Away Days: Allyship in the Arts Sector’ since January 2024.

I have worked closely with Maral Mamaghanizadeh, the Artistic Manager at Deaf Explorer. Together, we have worked extensively to bring you a collection of expert presenters and workshop facilitators. This event aims to bring deaf and hearing artists together, and truly showcase ‘allyship’, and what that may look like within the arts sector.

We feel extremely fortunate to work with Deaf Explorer, our volunteers and support staff who have assisted us in bringing this idea alive. Maral and I hope to achieve true collaboration between deaf, hard of hearing and hearing artists with a view to bridge the gap in their creative practices.

We believe our 3 day event will provide inspiration for deaf and hearing artists for future projects. We hope attendees leave the event with a new creative network, exciting ideas and potential collaboration opportunities.

We hope to share language, experience, culture and perspectives.”
