Camille is Executive Director of Upswing, a leading contemporary circus company, working both indoors and outdoors. Upswing uses the human body as an expressive tool to entertain, inspire curiosity and ignite a desire to build connection.

Camille was studying digital imaging when she got into the world of theatre. After taking an internship at LIFT, she went on to earn an MA in Enterprise Management for the Creative Arts from the University of the Arts, London. Camille then managed a talent agency for Continental Drifts and worked with ISAN (now OutdoorArtsUK) producing the conference Brilliance and Resilience in 2011 with Julian Rudd. After a freelance career, producing various other outdoor festivals and music events, Camille joined Upswing in 2012 as Executive Director, where she has innovatively progressed organisational development and produces their strategic projects and touring shows.