WH Auden Festival, Solihull
Feb 18, 2022 - Feb 21, 2022

In Solihull, we treasure W.H. Auden’s connection to the town but have not made much of it. Auden came here as a very young child and his family lived here during the first decade of his life, which coincided with the First World War. This new, annual festival, which is a collaboration between SMBC and SolihullBID and programmed by Parrabbola, explores his artistic output through interpretations of his work, as well that of his collaborators and contemporaries.

We want to focus on the ‘Art For All’ ethos, bringing the arts to audiences of all ages in a myriad of different ways. These will include immersive street theatre performances, live readings of poetry, film screenings, talks, music performances and a museum style interactive Auden installation as well as participatory activity for all.  In this first festival, we’re looking particularly at Auden as a young man – during the 1930’s.