The Hull Vigil, Hull
May 3, 2021 - May 3, 2022

Hull, the city that keeps watch over itself.

On 3 May 2021, a year-long vigil will begin in Hull with the UK premiere of a monumental performance telling the story of a city coming back to life.

Every day for a year, at sunrise and sunset, a vigil will keep watch over Hull from a bespoke structure located on top of the Hull College building.

Over the course of one year, 730 people will contribute to the collective vigil – a 365 day silent and peaceful performance – to watch over the city.

Freedom Festival, an organisation known for creating the unexpected, is producing The Hull Vigil, as it brings the performance to Hull – the first UK city to host this timely, thought-provoking, large-scale monumental work by Australian-Belgian choreographer Joanne Leighton from Paris-based WLDN.