Streets of Hailsham, Hailsham
Mar 11, 2023

FREE Event!

Hodman Dodmanott and Sally Forth by The Flying Buttresses
Two tiny elderly backpackers set out to fathom the modern world! An interactive, unforgettable, spell-binding act.

The Sea Sphere by Show Globe
An enchanting mermaid glides through Hailsham in a beautiful, bubbling, shimmering underwater world.

Granny Turismo
The world’s first (and only) shopping trolley dance display team! When these girls arrive on their souped up shopping trolleys, everybody knows about it.

UK African Acrobats
Sizzling skills honed on the streets of Dar Es Salaam: these dazzling acrobats make hair-raising feats look simple.

Dolly Delicious will be towering above us all.