National Children’s Carnival Week, UK-wide
Jul 12, 2021 - Jul 18, 2021

Our dream is to have all children in the UK celebrate carnival together in their schools. Carnival artists all round the country are putting together an amazing package of activities to assist in teaching curriculum topics using the magic of carnival.

Our theme ‘Once Upon a Time’ will inspire children through the creation of costumes and props that tell stories, accompanied by dance and music for a celebration that will provide uplifting experiences and radiate the warmth and camaraderie that everyone desperately needs.

Stage your own school carnival!

Each school can choose how to stage their carnival event, be it an assembly, class bubble carnival or an all school parade. It can be a day of short sessions in dance, music, lyric writing and creative making, or a comprehensive project lasting several days across the term, with a celebration day at the end.

The UK Centre for Carnival Arts is working in partnership with organisations around the UK including The New Carnival Company, Bridgewater Guy Fawkes Carnival, 18 Hours, Northampton Carnival, Global Grooves, EMCCAN and many more to assist educators in bringing the joy of carnival to all children during National Children’s Carnival Week 2021.