Craft School : A summer of playful making, Crafts Council Gallery
Jul 9, 2022 - Sep 3, 2022

Craft School: A summer of playful making, is a chance for children and young people to get making and be inspired by the Crafts Council Collection and brilliant creations made by school students from across the UK.

This summer the Crafts Council Gallery will become a hive of activity where visitors can create, play, and experiment with clays, textiles, paper, and card at a ‘making table’ and meet others who also love craft. There will be a free weekly workshop held every Wednesday in August, led by our friendly staff and skilled craft educators.

Craft School will display six winning entries from our national school’s competition Craft School: Yinka’s Challenge, developed in collaboration with multi-disciplinary British-Nigerian artist Yinka Ilori. Learners from across KS1 – KS4 were invited to explore themes of play, storytelling, and empowerment through making.

These works celebrate making by young people and explore how craft can be a place for young makers to develop and reflect on their histories, cultures, and identities.

Alongside these schools’ projects, visitors will be able to interact with pieces from our Collections, which will be activated in free daily handling sessions facilitated by our friendly gallery team.

Craft School is the perfect place for families, children, and young people to discover more about craft, have a go themselves and start their own journey to becoming a maker in a friendly and inclusive space.