Ensemble Festival (Certain Blacks), Newham, London
Jul 24, 2021

The Certain Blacks Ensemble Festival features circus, music, performance and live art, created by artists working outside of the mainstream. This is a festival celebrating diversity, rather than one based on artists’ backgrounds or identities.

The Ensemble Festival is in partnership with Without Walls who champion and support diverse work and accessibility in the arts, with a wide range of shows from Black, Asian and ethnically diverse artists and D/deaf and Disabled artists.

Jason Singh – Hidden Music of Trees 

The Hidden Music of Trees is an augmented reality audiovisual outdoor installation
that allows audiences to have enhanced nature-based experiences.

Strong Enough – Strong Lady Productions 

STRONG ENOUGH is a powerful celebration of finding strength in
unexpected places. A circus Strong Lady will enthral you with the stories she has
collected from ordinary people about a time when they were strong.

Joli Vyann –  Don’t Drink and Dance 

Joli Vyann present an innovative fusion of circus, dance and theatre –
blurring the boundaries of dance and circus skills.

Recovery Poem – Emergency Exit Arts 

Emergency Exit Arts (EEA) presents the Recovery Poems. How do we commemorate
what’s been lost as we start to take tentative steps to coming out of lockdown?
What do we want to hold onto and grow?

Power – 2FacedDance

Power explores our relationship with authority and control. With abuses of power and domination affecting communities across the world, we look at how power can seduce, shift and shape our behaviour. Performed by three explosive dancers we ask the questions: Who leads? Who follows? Who holds the power?

Roll Up, Roll Up – Simple Cypher  

Prepare to be amazed by Roll Up, Roll Up as Simple Cypher perform explosive
tricks with effortless agility within a large, spinning steel ring known as a Cyr Wheel.