Bedlam Fair, Bath
Jun 27, 2021

Bedlam – Getting back out there!

There will be a Bedlam Fair in 2021 – though we didn’t get a grant for it this year, we have resources left from the 2020 event that didn’t happen – and we will be in our usual stomping ground of SawClose, Kingsmead Square and around on 27 Jun.
Our experience in October last year showed us that we will have no problem running an event of suitable performances whatever the level of distancing required, so come as you are and we’ll deal with it together.

Full details of this event will appear on this page nearer the time, let’s just say for the moment that you will be able to see in action the following:

  • Natural Theatre Company of Bath
  • Mufti Games‘ Hangman L_ve
  • 16 RPM – The Carpeters
  • Rimski – Rimski & Handkerchief
  • The Bureau of Silly Ideas
  • The Bath Tub Orchestra
    …and, we have no doubt, more…

Bureau of Silly Ideas Saturday event – there is also a separate and different BoSI event on the Saturday in a different location. More details on that very soon too.

Bedlam Related Events

There are also bedlam associated companies and projects happening outside the weekend – time and space will not constrain them, oh no… so see also:

  • Ramshacklicious Club Supreme – supported and co-financed via the Fringe’s Outside! Now!!
  • Digital Playground – co-financed by Bath Fringe
  • Natural Theatre – Dirty Bath and Shakespeare Undone
  • Curious Company – Department of Complaints

…and more to come in the Fringe’s empty shop project.
And of course, there’s this wonderful exhibition about our inspiration the Bath Arts Workshop