Membership Rates

As many of you will know, we haven’t collected membership fees since lockdown began in 2020, but many existing members – and many of the new individuals, artists and companies we’ve met during the last twelve months – have asked about more formally becoming part of the OAUK family.

We’ve relaunched OutdoorArtsUK Membership
This is a short-term membership package, designed to be accessible to everyone and to reflect the current circumstances.

For the OAUK team, one of the benefits of this difficult time has been the opportunity to reach out far and wide, and we will continue to do so as part of our role in sector advocacy. Free access to certain parts of our work will remain. And we, of course, will continue our work that advocates, publicises and celebrates the sector beyond the membership.

There is a single membership rate of £21
One price fits all. It will run for the remainder of the year (and represents a lower cost than our previous rates which began at £35). We will review this at the start of 2022, when we hope (really hope) to be able to deliver more support, events and activities to our membership. At this point, we plan to reintroduce a tiered membership structure.

Membership applications are now open; on approval, your membership will start immediately. As you’re entering your data onto new website and a new member directory, everyone starts afresh – but it’s a much simpler process.

Under normal circumstances, there are four rates for annual membership: small, medium, large and extra-large.

You’re a freelance producer or a performer working pretty much on your own, you’re a newish company or festival finding your feet (suggested turnover under £30K). £35

You’re a small company, maybe with a few members, perhaps you’ve got a bit of funding and you get regular gigs (suggested turnover £31K – £100K). £70 

You’re a company, you have a full-time administrator (or two!), you’re making an income from touring and fundraising (suggested turnover £101K – £250K). £125

You’re a bit of a big fish, you’re getting regular income, or you’re a local authority, a venue or a big festival, you’ve got a few employees (suggested turnover over £250K). £195