The training course will look at the fundamentals of a strengths-based approach to difficult conversations, and how to turn potentially difficult conversations into opportunities for more productive and positive relationships in the workplace.
This will be a highly engaging and interactive course, using a range of learning activities – presentation, demonstration, pair and group work, discussion and skills practice with feedback. Alasdair uses a group coaching approach, to help make the theory more vivid and meaningful.
- Values-based conversations – Empathy, positive regard, authenticity, and curiosity
- The Drama Triangle and the cycle of behaviour change as tools to help make sense of difficult behaviours
- Building self-awareness to be able to regulate ourselves under pressure
- Using examples of actual situations encountered or those we fear we may encounter; we will see demonstrations of specific techniques in action and have opportunities to practise these in a safe learning environment
- Using our learning diaries, we will plan how we will use these strategies and techniques in the months ahead as part of embedding the learning