Without Walls has been working with Lorna Rees, Artistic Director of Gobbledegook Theatre and OAUK Co-Chair, to create a Green Rider template for Outdoor Arts artists. Lorna has written a blog about Green Riders for Outdoor Arts, which includes an example Green Rider of her show GEOPHONIC and a template Green Rider for a small-scale Outdoor Arts company.

“It started with a provocation: How can artists—who often don’t feel like we’re very powerful in the scheme of things—help to change the planet? Or at least look after this bit of our working environment?

“I’m aware that having an environmentally focused Rider is a fantastically practical thing to do but not necessarily the most exciting topic, so I painted myself green, borrowed my sister’s appropriately coloured bicycle and asked my photographer friend Jayne Jackson to photograph me being an actual ‘Green Rider’ to get your attention.

“All sorts of people have Green Riders now, and I’m hoping by writing this that more Outdoor Artists might start to adopt them.” – Lorna Rees in her blog Green Riders for Outdoor Artists

Read Lorna’s blog here.