The Irish Government has published results from the first year of the Basic Income for the Arts pilot:

• Findings show Basic Income recipients invest €550 a month more on their creative practice and their life satisfaction has increased

• Recipients spend 8 hours a week more on their practice and work fewer hours outside the arts

Up to 2,000 artists are in receipt of the payment with up to a further 1,000 participating in the control group who don’t receive the payment but provide the same data as those who do.

Minister Catherine Martin said:

“I am pleased to bring many of Irelands arts resource and funding bodies and artists together today at this conference to examine the status of the artist in Ireland. The instinct for artistic and creative expression is fundamental for all of us. Support for the arts and professional arts practice has been a key priority for me as Minister. Today I want to hear the voice of artists on our next steps, building on the increases in supports in recent years. I am also publishing a first full year impact paper on the Basic Income for the Arts pilot scheme which continues to show positive outcomes for those in receipt of the payment”.

The Impact Assessment (1 Year) of the Basic Income Pilot Scheme published today is available HERE . It outlines changes to date that the BIA recipients have experienced within the first year of receiving the payment.