With many councils across the country on the verge of bankruptcy, cultural services are under threat. Councillor Liz Green, Chair of LGA’s Culture, Tourism and Sport board, says we need to do things differently. Liz Green says:

Everyone who works in local government, and every councillor elected to determine policies, recognises the need for a vibrant, inclusive, funded and active cultural offering. We know it aids our residents’ wellbeing, provides employment and attracts visitors to our towns, cities and countryside.

We do – and will continue to do – everything we can to support the sector, but there is no getting away from the fact that things are tough right now for councils.

Local Government Association (LGA) analysis in October showed English councils face a £4bn funding gap across this year and next just to keep services standing still. While the government announced an extra £600m for councils for 2024/25, councils still face one of the most challenging budget-setting cycles in their history.

We need to do things differently locally, and nationally.