Hi! Street Fest is Historic England’s largest and final commission as part of the High Streets Heritage Action Zones’ Cultural Programme, the widest-reaching, community-led arts and heritage programme for the public that has ever been organised. It is an ambitious project, aiming to bring together people and place to support bright futures for high streets. Across the country, Hi! Street Fest will engage more than 5,000 people in the development of these events, with thousands of hours of community participation through outreach and workshops. It is led by Historic England in partnership with Arts Council England and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Farrah the Fox & Giant Puppets

This summer, a curious fox called Farrah will embark on a journey across the country to explore and celebrate high streets, as well as the people who love and look after them. Created in partnership with Emergency Exit Arts, Farrah is a 5-metre tall mechanical puppet of a young fox who will travel the country on her scooter, bringing a touch of carnival and free street parties to seven high streets. Taller than a double decker bus, Farrah has been designed by Tony Mason and will be animated by two puppeteers from the inside. The commission is also supported using public funding by Arts Council England.

With resilience in her genes, Farrah the fox has adapted to live in a changing environment and will spark the question in each town she visits: how can high streets do the same? At each high street party Farrah will meet a different largescale puppet, which have been created by each community in collaboration with puppet makers Thingumajig Theatre.

National Tour

These host puppets represent and celebrate the individuality of their own high street and will welcome Farrah to learn about the heritage of each location. Taking the form of street parties and parades, these vibrant celebrations led by Artistic Director Manuela Benini will take place in seven locations across England.

Tour Dates:

  • Lowestoft – 17 June – 10:45am
  • Gloucester – 1 July – 4:00pm
  • Wigan – 8 July – 1:30pm
  • Gosport – 22 July – 3:30pm
  • Middlesbrough – 29 Jul – 1pm
  • Stalybridge – 9 September – 11:30am
  • Woolwich – Sep 22 – TBC