Here are some of our friends about to embark on their (long) summer outdoor tours with mostly spoken-word productions and reinvented classics, which don’t cross our usual festival listings:

May 8-Sep 15 | MacHamLear / Bad Dad / Sense & Sensibility (Heartbreak Prods)

May 10-Jun 10 | Sense & Sensibility (Open Bar Theatre/Fullers)

May 14-Jul 15 | The Battling Butlers (Bash Street Theatre)

May 19-Sep 16 | As You Like It / Robin Hood (Three Inch Fools)

May 20-Sep 10 | Pride & Prejudice / Twelfth Night / Robin Hood (Illyria)

May 22-Sep 9 | A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Handlebards)

May 27-Jul 15 | The Battling Butlers (Bash Street Theatre)

May 29,-Sep 3 | Peter Rabbit / Midsummer Night’s Dream / Wind in the Willows (Quantum Theatre)

Jun 1-Sep 3 | Emma / Alice / Comedy of Errors (The Pantaloons)

Jun 5-Sep 1 | Twelfth Night (Duke’s Theatre Co)

Jun 2-Sep 3 | Romeo and Juliet (Lord Chamberlain’s Men)

Jun 7-Jul 7 | Twelfth Night (Shakespeare in the Squares)

Jun 9-Sep 3 | Secret Garden / Midsummer Night’s Dream / Sense & Sensibility / Importance of Being Earnest (Chapterhouse)

Jun 18-Aug 13 | Much Ado About Nothing (Oddsocks Theatre)

Jun 30-Aug 20 | Love’s Labours Lost / School for Scandal (Changeling Theatre)

Jul 1-Sep 3 | Peter Pan (Slapstick Picnic)

Jul 15-Aug 13 | Nightingale (New Creations Collective)

Jul 20-Aug 20 | Pandora’s Box (The Last Baguette)

Jul 22-Aug 28 | Alice in Wonderland (Sixteenfeet Prods)

Jul 23-Aug 27 | Loki / Sir Gawain (Wild Geese Theatre)

Aug 1-Sep 2 | The Jabberwocky & Other Nonsense (Calf2Cow)