Living body/ies in Contemporary Circus and Outdoor Arts: Reflecting Around the Concept of Body/ies

Circostrada has shared the first annual publication within its latest project CS Body/ies built around the concept of the body.

There are many interesting articles, including Welsh-based Brazilian artist Tiago Gambogi’s interesting, provocative and thoughtful reflection on Artivism in response to the climate crisis.

As the planet reaches a red alert for its survival, how can dance, theatre and activism be a potent weapon to transform the destructive ways in which humans relate to nature and other living beings? How can we creatively disrupt reality’s “business as usual” through humour and transgression to create a place of refuge that resists the atrocities imposed by governments and private capital?

Living Body/ies was the first thematic focus that took place between September 2021 and August 2022, which sought and contributed to “explore, promote and adopt more environmental frameworks and practices”.

With this publication, it aimed to give space to a multiplicity of voices and share some food for thought, while also summing up a part of the discussions held during the Living Body/ies activities. The contributors to this publication are artist collective de Onkruidenier, Tiago Gambogi, Andrea Salustri, Marija Baranauskaité, Nathan Biggs-Penton, Eva Bubla, Emma Langmoen, Heidi Miikki and members of the Living Body/ies Committee.

Visit Circostrada to download the publication in English >>>