At the stroke of midnight on 2 April, the awards for Round Two of the Culture Recovery Fund were announced by Arts Council England and the DCMS. It’s a long and impressive list. We are pleased to see that the Outdoor Arts sector is well represented – we have counted just under 100 companies, organisations or festivals with outdoor performance as a major part of their work.

Congratulations to them all and we hope that the awards go some way towards finding a way forward at this difficult time, but of course we recognise that there will be many others still struggling and we hope that other avenues will open up soon.

Here are the Outdoor Arts recipients:

18 Hours
Abandon Normal Devices
Activate Performing Arts (Inside Out Dorset)
Arcadia Spectacular
Architects of Air
Bibi and Bichu
BlueDot Festival
Boomtown Festival
Brick Box
Bridgewater Carnival
Brighton Festival
Brighton Fringe
Bureau of Silly Ideas
Candoco Dance Company
Cirque Bijou
City Arts Nottingham
Company of Others
Corn Exchange Newbury (101 Creation Centre)
Creative Seed
Creature Encounter
Desperate Men
Diverse City
Dizzy O’Dare
DOCA (Devizes Outdoor Celebratory Arts)
Dream Engine
Eden Arts
Edgelands Arts
Elimu Carnival Club
Emergency Exit Arts
Enable Leisure and Culture
Fargo Village
Fools Paradise
From the Fields
Fuse Performance
Gandini Juggling
Glastonbury Festival
Global Grooves
Godiva Awakes Trust (Imagineer Productions)
Gorilla Circus
Greenwich+Docklands Festivals
Handmade Theatre
Henley Festival
Highly Sprung
Home Live Art
Hounslow Arts Trust (Watermans)
Humanhood Dance
Illyria Theatre
Inspector Sands
Invisible Circus
Iris Theatre
Karen Poley Projects
Les Enfants Terribles
Lord Chamberlains Men
Magna Vitae (SO Festival)
Mahogany Carnival
Mercurial Dance
Mind the Gap
MSL Projects
Mufti Games
Murmuration Arts
National Centre for Circus Arts
NoFit State Circus
Norfolk and Norwich Festival
Ockhams Razor
Outdoor Places Unusual Spaces
Pavillion Dance South West
Phizzical Productions
Play to the Crowd (Winchester Hat Fair)
Point Eastleigh
Puppets with Guts
Remarkable Productions
Revoluton Arts
Rosie Kay Dance Company
Seachange Trust (Out There Arts)
St Paul’s Carnival
Strike a Light
Studio 3 Arts
Sunderland Culture
Thames Festival Trust
Theatre Space North East
TIN Arts
Underneath the Stars Festival
Walk the Plank
Wet Picnic
Wild Rumpus
Zest Theatre

Click here to read the full details of all 2272 recipients: ACE / DCMS Culture Recovery Fund.

Please forgive any ommissions and errors (it was a very long list to digest at such a late hour). Please let us know if we have missed you: