Wild Rumpus Culture Session #25: Art with Heart, Online
May 17, 2021

“We need to build a culture of care across our creative industries”

The pandemic has reminded us of how important our physical health and mental wellbeing are. As we emerge from lockdown we think it’s critical that the arts industry commits to improving institutional structures and working practices.

What might this culture of care look like? What can we as individuals do to create kinder, more supportive environments for participants, artists and audiences? Art with Heart has spent the past 5 years asking these questions. They’ve discovered that the only way to find truly meaningful and useful answers is, to never stop asking the questions!

Join Art with Heart’s Co-Creative Director Rachel as she shares what they have learned along the way, and encourages you to ask the question; what do I need to look after my wellbeing at work?

The session will be hosted online via Zoom. Sign up here and we’ll send you a link to Zoom nearer the time.

Tickets are free but must be booked via the ticket link.
