Our annual Garden Party which takes place in Mandela Gardens is a free or pay what you decide daytime event for families and residents to enjoy some live performances in the open air.
Tickets this year need to be booked in advance and each family can have their own dedicated bench to watch the fantastic shows we have on offer:
Kapow Dance Circus Theatre: Grow
A lively, energetic and vibrant dance theatre duo by Kapow. A comment on humanity and a comedic gardening show combined. Grow is a playful and touching celebration of the power of nature to rejuvenate, take over spaces, and grow through the cracks.
Morgan & West present: The Three Musketeers!
Sharpen your swords, lace up your boots, and stick a great big feather in your hat – it’s time for adventure. Morgan & West present a fun for all the family retelling of Alexandre Dumas’ The Three Musketeers. A cavalcade of whimsy, wit, and (s)wordplay all deftly performed in the great outdoors.
Can the dashing Musketeers retrieve the Queen’s prize diamonds? Will the nefarious Cardinal Richelieu get away with his dastardly scheme? Is it an enormous mistake to wear such elaborate costume at the height of British summer? Find the answers to all of these questions and more only at Morgan & West present The Three Musketeers!
Tamar & Jo: Doorstep Dances
Doorstep Dances brings dance out into the community; animating streets, gardens, and public spaces with 2 short performances that are guaranteed to make you smile.