Lancashire Encounter, Preston
Sep 17, 2021 - Sep 19, 2021

Lancashire Encounter Festival is an authentic voice for Lancashire, celebrating the breadth of the County’s diverse cultural offer with high quality and high profile arts. Taking place every other year at the end of September, Lancashire Encounter sees the city of Preston buzzing with life and alight with creativity.

The past Lancashire Encounters have seen an array of spectacular performances, inspiring arts and impressive music, bringing spectators to their feet.

Preston City Council staged its first Lancashire Encounter Festival in 2015 as a pilot. The weekend event showcased the work of artists from across the Lancashire County and community activities, drawing in 20,000 attendees. Recognising the potential of the event to grow and impact the communities, artists and arts organisations of Lancashire, as well as attract visitors into the County, it was agreed the event should become a bi-annual cultural festival.