Can You Hear Me Now, Coventry City of Culture
Jun 20, 2021

Can You Hear Me, Now? is a celebratory, large-scale outdoor performance. It will be an immersive and joyous experience, made with and for the people of Coventry.

When we stand side by side, we are stronger. We sing together and we are louder. When we move together, we can make the city vibrate. The city is our playground, our podium, our home. This is a love letter to you, my city. And this space here? This space is for you.

Expect live music, dance, spoken word, puppetry, storytelling and spectacle.

Can You Hear Me, Now? – We are having our say, using our voices and we want you to join us!

Stand and Be Counted are the UK’s first Theatre Company of Sanctuary. They make campaigning theatre designed to promote social change and unity and work with artists, participants, arts organisations and festivals around the world to empower audiences and collaborators to have their say. They will be working with people seeking sanctuary in the city to create an urgent response to what it feels like to be silenced and how society can and must learn to listen.

A Stand and Be Counted Theatre Production, commissioned by Coventry UK City of Culture 2021. In partnership with Belgrade Theatre, Coventry and Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre.

Supported by Arts Council England and Spirit 2012.