Green Space Dark Skies: Cairngorms National Park (Unboxed), Highlands
Aug 13, 2022

20,000 people will come together to create outdoor artworks in beautiful countryside locations, as part of a UK-wide celebration of the great outdoors. Mass gatherings from the Cairngorms to the Chilterns, Gower to North York Moors and Dartmoor to the Causeway Coast

Green Space Dark Skies is inspired by the 90th anniversary of the 1932 Kinder Scout Mass Trespass, a pivotal event in the movement to secure access to the countryside for ordinary people that influenced the creation of the UK’s network of National Parks.

We’re inviting 20,000 people to become Lumenators to carry specially developed wireless programmable, low impact lights developed by technology partner Siemens. We’ll head into 20 wild and beautiful places across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. And then together, as dusk falls, we’ll create extraordinary outdoor artworks in National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, including finale events happening in all four UK nations in September. These powerful moments of digital choreography will be captured on camera; and short films of each event, free to view online, will incorporate the stories of the people and places featured.