Mostra Igualada is the reference fair for the performing arts for children and young audiences in Catalonia
A great showcase for the best shows for children and young audiences, which annually brings together around 30,000 spectators and more than 1,000 professionals to Igualada (60 km from Barcelona).
The first Mostra de teatre was born in Igualada in 1990, promoted by  the Moviment Rialles de Catalunya  (functional delegation of Ã’mnium Cultural), a non-profit organization born in Terrassa in 1972 with the aim of forming local groups of volunteers to organize and offer children’s and youth shows to its population.
With the exception of the 1991 and 1992 editions, held in Terrassa and Sabadell, all take place in Igualada.
In 1995, some fifty of these groups of volunteers, which were extended to other municipalities in Catalonia, formed the  Fundació Xarxa , becoming, a year later, the main organizers of La Mostra d’Igualada.
At the same time, since 1996, Rialles has continued to hold the Exhibition in Cerdanyola del Vallès, except in 2005 when it was held in Sabadell.
Finally, in 2006, by the will of the Catalan Institute of Cultural Industries (ICIC), with the support of Igualada City Council and the commitment of the Fundació Xarxa and the Agrupació Rialles, the two theater fairs children and youth of Catalonia (Igualada and Cerdanyola del Vallès) are unified and the current  Mostra Igualada – Fair of children’s and youth shows is born.