In a new production co-created and inspired by Coventry residents, this walk-about theatrical experience through the east of the city blurs the boundaries between fiction and reality.
Theatre Company OiBokkeShi (Okayama, Japan) team up with Entelechy Arts in this performance about the different ways in which people experience and live with dementia, made in partnership with local Coventry care homes, schools, shopkeepers and residents.
The audience is playfully invited to follow one man’s journey through a high street as he wanders, uncovering and sharing the hidden stories about one of our society’s greatest challenges. Inspired by an original production by OiBokkeShi.
A Coventry UK City of Culture 2021 and Entelechy Arts co-production, in association with OiBokkeShi
Theatre of Wandering is part of the Caring City programme for Coventry UK City of Culture 2021 which is funded by Spirit of 2012.